Holiday Session
Fun Session for ages 5-10, with a wide range of activities and lunch provided
Service Description
Join us for fun holiday sessions. We have a wide range of outdoor activities including: - Campfires - Crafts - Cooking - Games - Stories and songs Each day participants will have chance to cook their own lunch over the fire, using fresh ingredients. The venue will be: Mericourt Nursery Sandyforth Lane Preston PR4 0AL
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Any experiences booked can be cancelled at any time (in writing) by the attendee, but may result in a partial or full loss of refund. Bookings cancelled by attendees (in writing) are subject to the following time scales 35 days or more notice of cancellation - Full refund 28 days or more notice of cancellation - 75% refund 21 days or more notice of cancellation - 50% refund 14 days or more notice of cancellation - 25% refund Less than 14 days notice of cancellation - No refund If the experience has to be cancelled by The Woodland School Ltd, attendees will either receive a full refund or credit of equal value towards another experience.
Contact Details
The Mericourt Nursery, Sandyforth Lane, Preston, UK
+ 07500116172